Friday, November 7, 2008

Question 2: What if someone accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and they don't attend church or do anything remotely religious and vice versa?

God does not command any specific duties from his people in order to be saved. Therefore, going to church and participating in religious activities does not guarantee salvation, nor does refraining from these activities exclude one from salvation. Scripture clearly states that man can only be saved by grace and faith, when they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. When you confess aloud and believe in your heart that Jesus paid the price for your sins, you are justified in spite of your wrongs and saved for eternity. [Romans 10:9-10] There is nothing we can do to earn forgiveness; it is a gift available to all. [Ephesians 2:8-9]

Thus, it is through God's unmerited grace and our personal faith in that grace that causes us to gain salvation. In response to grace and as an extension of faith, we pursue a living relationship with God by following his commands. [James 2:26] Those religious acts do not guarantee salvation, they are a continuation of accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Emailed Comment:
"I read this and I just thought of where it says in the bible that you know a tree by its fruit. So, our actions should show that we are followers of Christ. "

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Question 1: Why would God torture his own son?

This question addresses the process of the redemption of man. The Bible teaches that every human is born into sin, or rebellion from God (Romans 3:23). It goes further to say that God's perfect character cannot stand this sin and sin cannot dwell in the presence of God without incurring His wrath.(Romans 1:18) Therefore, in order to be made right with God, it is necessary for this sin to be removed. All through the Old Testament, to pay for sin, God required that something be sacrificed in place of our sin because God is perfectly just and requires payment for this sin (Hebrews 10:4-10, Romans 3:25). However, because God loves us so much, He sent His Son to pay the death penalty for all our sins once and for all (John 3:16) so that we can have a relationship with Him. It is also important to note that Jesus was not tortured against his will. The Bible holds that Jesus and God the Father are unified in purpose and being (John 1:1 and 1:14) and that Jesus was fully aware, yet still willingly accepted to die for our sins (Matthew 26:39). Ultimately, God would allow His Son to be brutally murdered because He so greatly loves us and desires to be with us (Romans 5:8).


This blog is here to provide a simple solution to the question of where to post the questions and answers from the Unum Fall 2008 Q&A barbecue. The comments section will be enabled for the purpose of enabling discussion, but meaningless or vitriolic comments on either side of any issue are subject to deletion. It may also become a compilation for reference sources relevant to the questions and answers as well.

Let us think and reason. Let us cogently seek and present truth. Let us pursue reality with all of our hearts and minds, whatever the existential, emotional, and personal social consequences. With the same commitment, let us accurately discern and avoid the traps presented by self-delusion.

And with that, we begin.

Have at it :).

-Josh M.